Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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A cryptic guide to the RiscBBS basics.
When running from a floppy, make sure the disc is write ENABLED,
because RiscBBS continuously opens and updates files!
Inside the System.Kernel directory are all the central files
which RiscBBS relies upon:
- Modem : Modem-initialisation file. Run when RiscBBS
starts up.
- SysBBS : The main (central) RiscBBS definition file.
Actually controls how the system behaves (menus,
bases, areas, ...). Edited by the sysop.
- UserData : The userdata file. May be deleted to get a new,
'blank' system. Is created/maintained by the
program itself.
It's the sysop's task to edit the SysBBS file to setup the BBS.
In the System.EventTexts directory are the files that are shown
(sent to the user) when a specific event occurs:
- ChatEnd : Shown when a chat ends.
- ChatStart : Shown when a chat starts.
- DayLimit : Shown when a user's daily time-limit is reached.
- Logoff : Shown right before the line is dropped.
- NewUser : Shown when a new user logs on.
- PostLogon : Shown when a user is fully logged on.
- PreLogon : Shown when a modem-connection is established.
- TimeOut : Shown when a user is inactive for 2 mins.
These files MUST not be present: if they are, they're shown.
In the System.LogFiles directory are the loggings of the
!RiscBBS system:
- Call_Log : Logfile of all calls.
- Error_Log : Logfile of any possible system-errors.
- Event_Log : Logfile of the most important events.
- Snoop_Log : Logfile of all output after an F4 keypress.
These logfiles may be deleted at any time (when they become too
long). They are merely created for the sysop's convenience to
watch the system's behaviour.
In the Subtasks directory (may have another name) are the so
called 'child tasks' and 'adjacent tasks'.
Examples of childtasks:
- !Today : Shows birthdays/events for a certain date.
- !Breakout : An online ANSI game.
Examples of adjacent tasks:
- !UserEdit : The RiscBBS User-Editor (MUST be present).
Hotlinked with the RiscBBS server.
- !Monitor : An improved !Usage to monitor system load.
Adjacent tasks need not be written to communicate with RiscBBS,
but child tasks should be, if they want to use RiscBBS's output
and input channels. Edit the !Breakout.!RunImage for an example
of this.
In the BBS directory (may have another name) are the
miscellaneous text-files, which are shown to the user.
These files may be called from a menu option, or from within
another such text-file (full recursion)!
Just as the SysBBS system file, these files can have embedded
command-scopes. Have a look at them to see how they work!
In the Base directories (may have another name) are stored the
message-files and user-uploads, together with some reference
files which are created/maintained by RiscBBS itself. It is
enough for a 'base' directory to be 'created' (by the sysop) for
RiscBBS's use.
RiscBBS has its own 'filing-system': such that upload is stored
with a serial number as its filename.
For local uploads (uploads by the sysop), just drag the files to
be uploaded on the RiscBBS icon. A window will appear in which you
can specify where the files should go etc. For a long description,
drag a textfile (the long description) onto the 'Textfile'-icon.
When RiscBBS is loaded (ie. it sits on the iconbar), and you
subsequently change the SysBBS system file, you should afterwards
click on the 'New System' item in the icon-menu. This causes
RiscBBS to update its internal menu and other pointers.
With a local logon, you can logoff in two ways:
a) in the normal way, by selecting the Goodbye (logoff) options.
this is the preferred way!
b) by closing the local logon window.
The sysop should be aware of the fact that having the full-snoop
window open puts a heavy load on the system. When not necessary,
the window should be closed or dragged 'outside the screen'.
Some function-keys when in full-snoop or local logon mode:
F1 : Starts/ends chat with user.
F2 : Toggles ARCbbs quoting mode (ignore all CR's, Grrr).
F3 : Loads the User Editor.
F4 : Starts/stops logging all output. (file LogFiles.Snoop_Log)
F5 : Decrease user's level with 5.
F6 : Increase user's level with 5.
F7 : Give current user 5 mins. extra logon-time.
F8 : Take off 5 mins. of current user's logon-time.
Ctrl-F1 : Immediately logoff current user.
To get the hang of it all, study the various system/text files
carefully and you should be able to make your own BBS setup.
I will supply the final version of RiscBBS with some decent
documentation, but for the time being, coding comes first!
The author, Carl Declerck.